Saturday, 10 February 2024

"US Senator's Mind-Blowing Selfie with German Chancellor Lookalike! 😱🤳

US Senator Chris Coons shares selfie with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

Striking resemblance noted between Coons and Scholz in facial features, height, and hairstyles.

Coons and Scholz previously met at the World Economic Forum in Switzerland.

The selfie was taken at the German ambassador's residence in Washington during a dinner.

Both politicians make light of their similarities, joking about being each other's doppelgänger.

Scholz emphasizes the need for further US and European aid for Ukraine amid the Russian threat.

The visit includes a meeting between Scholz and President Joe Biden.

Wartime aid for Ukraine faces challenges in the Senate, with Republicans blocking a bipartisan border package.

Despite domestic budget concerns, Germany plans over £7bn for weapons deliveries to Ukraine.