"Google Faces Massive $2.7B EU Fine – Court Advisor Urges Upholding!"

EU Antitrust Fine Stance: – Adviser recommends upholding Google's $2.7 billion EU antitrust fine.

2017 Fine Background: – Google fined in 2017 for using its shopping service to gain an unfair advantage over smaller European rivals.

First of Three Decisions: – The shopping case is the first of three EU rulings resulting in a total of 8.25 billion euros in fines for Google last decade.

Advocate General's Opinion: – Juliane Kokott suggests confirming the fine, citing Google's market manipulation.

Allegation Details: – Google allegedly favored its comparison shopping service by manipulating general search services, according to the European Commission.

Judges' Expected Ruling: – Judges, likely to follow the non-binding recommendation, will make a ruling in the coming months.

Previous Tribunal Decision: – A lower tribunal supported the EU competition enforcer in 2021.

Google's Response: – Google to review the opinion, awaiting the court ruling, and continues investing in its remedy.

Ongoing Legal Challenges: – Google challenges two other EU rulings related to Android and AdSense.