"Biden Backs Senate Border Deal, Vows Border Shutdown When Overwhelmed!"

President Biden describes the Senate-negotiated border deal as the "toughest and fairest" reform set.

Biden pledges to "shut down the border" on the day of bill signing, citing new emergency authority.

Bipartisan talks face challenges due to growing Republican opposition, tied to conditions on Ukraine aid.

House Speaker Mike Johnson declares the deal "dead on arrival" in its current form, as per a letter to Republicans.

Biden defends the negotiated deal as a robust strategy amid record numbers of migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border.

The proposed deal includes new asylum limits and an expulsion power for rapid returns to Mexico.

Expulsion authority triggers at 4,000 daily migrant encounters, becoming mandatory at 5,000 per day.

December records over 9,500 daily encounters at the U.S.-Mexico border, according to government stats.

The legislation aims to expedite asylum claims in six months without detaining migrants, a faster process.